Need any DIY advice or guidance, check out the information below  Click on the image to be taken to the website.

Social Calendar

​​ Karen Dickey is our Social Committee Chair.  Her contact info is:  

Financial Info...

Dec 2014​     Dec 2015     Dec 2016​     Dec 2017     Dec 2018     Dec 2019     Dec 2020
                                                  Dec 2021     Dec 2022   Dec 2023
Jan 2024     Feb 2024     Mar2024    Apr2024     May2024     June2024
July2024     Aug2024     Sep2023     Oct2023     Nov2023     Dec2023

Please join us!  We value all of our homeowner's inputs!

Heathrow News & Events

Annual Subdivision Meeting

Please keep an eye on the website for other information about the meeting.  Typical topics include subdivision trustee/bath club director elections, treasury report of the prior year results and the current year budgets and plans, pool update, Neighborhood Watch information and a question and answer session. On occasion, as needs dictate or upon request, we invite county government, fire, police, and other representatives to provide presentations at the meetings.

The Annual Meeting will be held

March 11, 2024 at 7:00pm

OSP Tap Haus

6346 Telegraph Road, St Louis, MO 63129

Copyright 2020. Heathrow Subdivision. All rights reserved.


Oakville, MO